Process, Court & Attorney Services
Rates Subject to Change Without Notice - Revised 10-1-19
Service of Process
*Rates are PER Defendant/Servee/Address. Some discounts may apply if 2 or more Defendants/Servees can be served simultaneously at the same location. Time and/or Mileage charge MAY apply in certain circumstances and to rural or outlying areas. Also note that if we are directed to be at a certain place at a certain time or day, full charges will apply whether or not service is completed.
Please note that while Amstar Express, Inc. makes every reasonable effort to effect service,
due to the many circumstances that can occur beyond our control, service cannot be guaranteed.
Additional Court Services & Attorney Service Fees
California E-Filing
Using your EXISTING California E-File credentials, you can use our E-File Portal to access your existing California E-File account!
If you do not have and existing E-File account - you can also sign-up quickly and easily through our Portal Access.
Use the Amstar Express Legal E-File Portal if you like to "Do it yourself" or if you prefer, try our convenient CONCIERGE Service* and we can submit your E-Filings for you. Simply EMAIL YOUR DOCUMENTS TO PROCESS@AMSTAREXPRESS.COM - Portal Fee: $7.95
*Concierge Service fees from $29.95 + $7.99 Portal Fee & Court fees where applicable.
Deposition Officer Services
$50.00 + .25 per page copied
Amstar Express, Inc. requires that we perform initial service of Subpoena/Documents in order to provide service.
Document Research, File Retrieval & Photocopy
Los Angeles & Ventura County Superior Courts:
$50.00 per attempt to locate + $45.00 Per Hour Research & Photocopy Time + $0.50 Per Page Copied.
Emailing Copies may incur additional fees depending on volume of copies retrieved & copied - Hand Delivery Additional (Courier Rates)
(Some Rural Areas May Be Additional)
California Superior Courts:
(Outside Los Angeles & Ventura County)
$75.00 per attempt to locate + $45.00 Per Hour Research & Photocopy Time + $0.50 Per Page Copied.
Emailing Copies may incur additional fees depending on volume of copies retrieved & copied - Hand Delivery Additional (Courier Rates)
(Some Rural Areas May Be Additional)
Courts Outside California:
Amstar Express, Inc. works with affiliates throughout all 50 States - Pricing for service varies greatly for many reasons such as proximity to metropolitan areas etc. - Call and tell us what you need and where, we will take care of you for the most reasonable price possible.
Federal Courts:
These Courts have special photocopy requirements - Please Call for Quote.
Document Recording - County Recorders Office:
Ventura & Los Angeles County Recorders:
County Recorders Offices require original documents - We pickup directly from your location or you can drop off/mail/overnight your originals to our offices. Our Courier Rates point to point apply in either case + $45.00 per Hour at the County Recorders Office.
California County Recorders:
(Outside Los Angeles & Ventura County)
County Recorders Offices require original documents - We pickup directly from your location or you can drop off/mail/overnight your originals to one of our offices and time allowing, deliver directly to the Recorders Office you require (Courier Rates Apply); or you can mail/overnight your originals to one of our offices. We will then forward your original documents to one of our trusted affiliates who will then Hand Record your Documents. This service is custom in nature, please call with your requirements and we will provide a quote.
County Recorders Office Outside California:
As above, County Recorders Offices require original documents - We pickup directly from your location or you can drop off/mail/overnight your originals to one of our offices. We will then forward your original documents to one of our trusted affiliates who will then Hand Record your Documents. This service is custom in nature, please call with your requirements and we will provide a quote.
All Rates subject to change without notice
Local Area
Metropolitan Los Angeles & Ventura Counties
(Malibu & Some Rural Areas May Be Additional)
Initial attempt made within 72 hours from the time your service documents are received. Must have minimum of 7 days to serve. Up to 5 attempts included in price.
(1st Defendant) $79.00*
Service required within 6 days. Initial attempt is usually made within 48 hours from the time your service documents are received.
Up to 5 attempts included in price.
(1st Defendant) $109.00*
If Possible, “Do Today” Initial attempt made on same day your service documents are received
or within 24 hours.
Up to 3 attempts included in price.
(1st Defendant) $109.00*
Immediate attempt to effect service.
Includes all special circumstances.
Additional attempts are additional. Call for quote.
(1st Defendant) $125.00 & up*
Min. $225.00
(Call for quote)
Writs of Attachment and Execution
California Counties Outside Los Angeles & Ventura Counties
(Some Rural Areas May Be Additional)
Initial attempt made within 72 hours from the time your service documents are received. Must have minimum of 7 days to serve.
Up to 5 attempts included in price.
(1st Defendant) $79.00*
Service required within 6 days. Initial attempt is usually made within 48 hours from the time your service documents are received.
Up to 5 attempts included in price.
(1st Defendant) $109.00*
If Possible, “Do Today” Initial attempt made on same day your service documents are received
or within 24 hours.
Up to 3 attempts included in price.
(1st Defendant) $109.00*
Immediate attempt to effect service.
Includes all special circumstances.
Additional attempts are additional. Call for quote.
(1st Defendant) $125.00 & up*
Min. $225.00
(Call for quote)
Writs of Attachment and Execution
Out of State Area
Areas Outside the State of California
(Some Rural Areas May Be Additional)
Initial attempt made within 72 hours from the time your service documents are received. Must have minimum of 7 days to serve.
Up to 5 attempts included in price.
(1st Defendant) $125.00 & up*
Service required within 6 days. Initial attempt is usually made within 48 hours from the time your service documents are received.
Up to 5 attempts included in price.
(1st Defendant) $175.00 & up*
If Possible, “Do Today” Initial attempt made on same day your service documents are received
or within 24 hours.
Up to 3 attempts included in price.
(1st Defendant) $175.00 & up*
Immediate attempt to effect service.
Includes all special circumstances.
Additional attempts are additional. Call for quote.
(1st Defendant) Call For Quote*
Min. $225.00
(Call for quote)
Writs of Attachment and Execution
Additional Court Services & Attorney Service Fees
Not Found/Non-Service/Bad Address/Cancellation After Attempts........…......................................................................................................................Same as if Served
Additional defendant, served at same time & place (Within the State of California)...........................................................................…...............................………$45.00
Additional defendant, served at same time & place (All Other States)...................................................................................................................................……………$55.00
Field Relocate.......................................................….…….................................................................…….........……............................................................................................................$25.00
Stake-out (Two-hour minimum)................................................……....……..........................................................................................................................................................$75.00/hr
Additional Proof of Service (one is included)................................................................................................................…......……………….........................................................$10.00
Rush Proof of Service………………………………………………………………….…...........................................................................................................................................................$10.00
Notary (Per notarized signature)………………………………………….………………...............................................................(New State Law as of January 1, 2017) $15.00
Fee Advance/Check Charge (In Addition to fee advanced )….................................................................................................................10% of fee Advanced-Min.$5.00
Photocopies & faxing (Incoming & Outgoing) per page fees….……..……………..................................................................................................................................……….$0.25
Special Return (for any reason)....…….......................……………….….........................................................................................................................................................$1.50 per mile
Special Hours, Any Special Arrangements or Specific Day or Time..…....……............................................................................................................................."Special" Rate
Skip Tracing*(Basic)..........................................……..............…..................................................................................................…….......................…..…............................................... $75.00
*(All skip tracing requires a stated reason for the trace to be for Service of Process only!)