Messenger Services
Same Day Courier & Messenger Services
Amstar offers a number of 'Same Day' Messenger, Courier, delivery options to fit any budget in Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, Santa Barbara Counties and beyond. Our system of deciding which Messenger/Courier option is best for you is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!
Exclusive Messenger Courier Delivery Services
Direct and Immediate messenger delivery - Calculated by drive time + one hour or less to make your deadline.
Rush Messenger Courier Delivery Service
When your messenger delivery service requirement is not quite as urgent as to require Exclusive Messenger Service but is still a relatively high priority - Calculated by drive time and at least two hours to make your delivery deadline.
Regular Messenger Courier Delivery Service
When your messenger delivery service requirement requires the delivery the same day but is a relatively low priority - Calculated by drive time and 3+ hours. Most messenger requests for this service must be ready by 12:00 P.M. to qualify for this service rate.
Daily Route Service
For a fraction of the on-call rate, you can have a regular scheduled pick-up and delivery almost anywhere! Give us a call with all the details for a personalized quote.
What Can We Deliver?
Court Filings - Legal Documents - Loan Documents - Contracts - Bids - Blueprints - XRays - Automotive Parts - Construction Supplies - Electronics - Airline Tickets - Photographs - Multiple Parcels up to 1000 Lbs. — Just about anything!
Vehicles Available
Cars, Trucks & Vans — Flexibility, Amstar Express gives you the options you need to get things done with one call. In business, no two days are the same. Whether you need an envelope expedited or have a meeting or court trial that requires 30 boxes of files and 10 exhibits in place when it starts, the professionals at AmStar Express are your business partners. You have enough to worry about! We'll handle it from here!
Toll Free: 888-778-2711 * Fax: 805-777-1115
BBB A+ Rated
Service of Process
California Statewide Process Serving
Our process servers 'don't take no for an answer'! Our clients expect this this kind of dedication and professionalism, which is why they keep coming back to Amstar Express, time and time again! Our network of servers can serve process in any county in California with just a phone call!
'Proweb' tracking is provided with this service! Click 'here' to learn more!
Nationwide Process Serving
Just because the guy you need served, moved to New York! You've got better things to do than try and hunt down a process server you can trust to get the job done. We are well connected with excellent process servers in every state. Let Amstar Express handle your out of state serves with one phone call, we will handle the rest.
'Proweb' tracking is provided with this service! Click 'here' to learn more!
Worldwide Process Serving
The world may be a smaller place due to technology, but the difference between the laws in foreign countries and the United States is often very large. Amstar Express is also well connected to servers specializing in the legal nuances of serving documents in other countries.
Rest assured, our network of experts are doing the best job possible!
'Proweb' tracking is provided with this service! Click 'here' to learn more!
New 'Proweb' On-Line Tracking:
Information when YOU need it! With legal cases, in is far better to be 'Pro-Active' rather than re-active! With our 'Proweb' system you can now track the status of your service of process assignments via our website, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
This service is included and no additional charge to all our clients! Click 'here' to learn more!
Court Services
& Attorney Services
Amstar Express has been handling court work since 1982. This includes daily or routine court filings, court research, copy service and other specialized legal services. Now you can save time and money by consolidating and customizing all your delivery and support services with one phone call!
Amstar Express has privileged access to sources that are unavailable to the general public. These sources are updated frequently and can access much more information than sources available to the general public.
Postal Search
As Process Servers, we can go to the United States Post Office and request forwarding addresses in any. This service is not available to the general public for security reasons and requires an active case the Process Server is trying to serve.
Accuracy is very important if you're about to spend money contingent upon the results of a skip trace, why not get the most accurate results possible. Is someone giving you the slip? Our experienced skip-tracers have been very successful in locating people who prefer not to be found!
Skip Tracing
Make sure you have all the facts! Corporate due diligence, asset searches, pre-employment screening, criminal record checks, background investigations and other "Special Investigations" made by our network of licensed private investigators. Click Here to Learn More!
eFiling for Superior Court of California, County of Orange:
AmStar Express, is offering eFiling into Orange County Courts in network partnership with Lawdex and American LegalNet. Lawdex is providing eFiling services, training, and support for Civil and Small Claims litigants for the Superior Court of California, County of Orange. Through the Orange County eFiling Portal, legal documents can be filed in compliance with the California state-wide electronic filing standards (2GEFS). The eFiling Portal also integrates with the court's CCMS system.